What We Offer
We offer multiple one-on-one, in person training sessions and full support of our model so you and your team are fully prepared for your new venture.
Owner Training
- One on One Practice Owner Personalized Training Session
- All Vendors at nationally negotiated pricing (labs, pharmacies, injections, office and medical supplies, cc processing, etc)
- Marketing and Public Relations Assistance
- Customizable Advertising/Advertising Campaigns and materials
- Website assistance
- Paid Search Campaigns
- HIPAA/OSHA Compliance Training
- Lease negotiation assistance
- Floor Plan Design
- Strategic Planning

Provider Training
- Provider Standards of Practice Training Course and Shadowing at our locations
- Case Scenario Analysis
- Marketing and Public Relations Assistance
- Customizable Advertising/Advertising Campaigns and materials
- Medical Protocol Training Sessions for Weight Loss, Low Testosterone, Bio Identical Hormone Replacement, and IV therapy
- Medical Protocol Manuals
- Pharmaceutical use Protocol and Training
- Cloud Based EMR with Proprietary Weight Loss/BHRT/Low T Templates
- Cloud Based Prescription Dispensing and Ordering
- Physician Dispensing Pharmacy/Injectables
Practice Administration Training
- One on One Personalized Training Days at our facility for your administration team
- Practice Manager Shadowing
- Practice Manager Manual
- 300+ Page Operations Manual
- Medical Protocol Training Sessions for Weight Loss, Low Testosterone Therapy & Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Customizable Employee Manual
- Hiring Assistance
- Front Office – Daily Operational Procedures
- Back Office – Daily Operation Procedures
- OSHA/HIPAA Trainin
- Operations Forms in modifiable formats
- Phone Protocols / Patient Interaction Training
- Accounting and Billing
Our training sessions are just the tip of the iceberg. In our sessions your group and our group will be assigned extensive actionable projects that will guide you on your way to opening your clinic. We will be in constant contact with you until your clinic’s opening day. After that, our Doctors, NP’s and administrative staff are here to provide support for your clinic.
Please Contact Us for more information.
Included in our Model:

- Owner Training
- Provider Training
- Practice Administration Training
- Owner/Provider/Staff Support
- Balanced Diet and Diet Protocols
- Modified Liquid Diet and Diet Protocols
- Nutritional Ketogenic Diet and Diet Protocols
- Low Carb Diets and Diet Protocols
- Anti-Inflammation Diet
- Intermittent Fasting Diet
- Gluten Free, Vegetarian and Vegan Options
- Plateau Breaking Diets and Protocols
- Customizable Patient Daily Diet Email Program
- Customizable Patient Daily Exercise Email Program
Please see our clinic site at

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a natural addition to our weight loss clinics. We now provide bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women and testosterone replacement therapy for men.

Seven years ago we formed LabTest MD (www.labtestmd.com). It is a direct to consumer lab testing business and a business to business wellness testing clinic. It can be an amazing vehicle for your wellness clinic to reach out to the general public for wellness testing and the business community for corporate wellness programs.